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Agel Review

Agel Contact Information:

9350 S 150 E
Floor 5 Sandy ,Utah 84070

Product Category: nutritionals

Agel Review:

Agel is a health and nutrition products company that has taken the concept of health shakes, vitamins and body scrubs and incorporated them into a gel form, claiming that it is the most effective way for nutritional absorption into the body. The idea was conceived by the company's founder, Glen Jensen, an 18 year veteran in the network marketing industry. Jensen recalled athletes using gels to deliver carbs into their body before a high stress event; at which point his idea for a line of nutritional gel-based supplements surfaced.

Agel's executive team includes Glen Jenson, the company's CEO, Craig Bradley, James Savas, Dave Harkness, Scott Bocklund and Jeff Higginson. Their global company headquarters is located in Lehi, UT and they have centers spanning the world as far as Australia.

The company web site provides the standard company history, as well as links to it's products and business opportunities. They also provide a link to company events, as well as a fairly detailed profile page that includes Agel's executive team and advisory board. The company offers business opportunities for inquiring sales and marketing enthusiasts, along with a compensation plan that they describe as being a mix of elements from various types. The "Quadra" compensation plan provides benefits for those who achieve specific goals. Some of these benefits include, travel award funds, matching bonuses, expense allowances, team volume commissions in addition to a luxury car fund which can be as much as thousands of dollars a month.

If an Agel associate recruits a new associate into the company at the 'Personal Pack' level, they receive $35. If they recruit someone into the 'Executive Pack' level then they receive $200. Internet feedback on the Agel business opportunity and their product remain relatively positive for this kind of product and company.

Agel Internet Popularity

Percentile Rank: #162

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Agel Ranking Details
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Agel Internet Popularity Percentage:

This percentage is based on the total number of interest 'hits' for all MLM companies and Home Based Business Opportunites in our most current monthly profile.

Percentage Change (Gain or Loss): -8.81%

Percentage Change compared to the last sampling period. View Top 50 Gainers.

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Percentile: 81.17
Agel Ranks Higher than 693 of 855 Companies in Our Profile Database

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Agel Company Review